An extremely tall sun flower used to be held up with this two by four. Some time during this past summer, I found that it needed help standing up. I was around and saw to it with what was around. The remains of this flower are in two places. The seeds, Jeff and I "harvested" and have remained in multitude, and for the most part, on a large sheet of paper that I would normally use for drawing. The seeds are typically arranged as a bulb with a thick stem. This is a common composition.
Part of the thick stem of the giant flower remains in our compost pile still. After a couple of months, it has become quite diminished-- but oh boy, it is still there.
A fan of water, my cat Henry, follows me out to the garden after I feed him when I go to water the plants. He enjoys licking the droplets off of crowded kale leaves. When I stepped out to the porch this morning, he was already licking rain water off of these leaves of this Poblano plant. "Oh there you are Henry!" I voiced.
This poblano plant was all set up to be the next king. It was boasting a second "crop" of peppers. now look at it. It balls its peppers into fists of anger. It is a pity how it is unable to tell the sky to stop raining water. If it were able to, I bet the sky would at least consider just what this pepper plant contributes to the world before making its next decision about whether to rain or not.
If you grow tomatoes inside, you should agitate the flowers so that they are more likely to fruit. Just saying! That's what I learned, anyhow. I only grew 7 tomatoes in our kitchen but many many more else where. However, as soon as these boys turned red, someone else had them first! Imagine how frustrating that was! I sent out a mass text saying something like "Since I tend to them, I'm calling dibs on the next round of big boys...they are out of season right now". One of the replies I got back had nothing to do with tomatoes at all! I find that this is quite common in contemporary communication-- of which I SINCERELY HOPE is at very least noted in all of the Communication 101 courses in our schools of higher education! Anyhow, what they said was, "I tend to graze the Kale, with an eye toward sustainability". Indeed you do! (see pic)
When it rains in Funk Town it smells like Alaska. I was born at 2 in the morning in December in the Tundra up there. One could say that I was "born into darkness". I actually quite enjoy saying this about myself. I find it to be a humorous anecdote for my biographical being.
I've been up to Juneau, Yakutat, Anchorage on several occasions, but I do not remember seeing cactus.
The born in darkness comment makes sense. HOwever, you should add that you were delivered in a non-traditional manner by your dad, which certainly is why you have a dark, off-kilter and sunny personality.